BE you~ healthy. strong. Whole In Mind, Body & SPirit.
Functional & Integrative Psychiatry and Lifestyle Medicine Services
~ 3 John 1:2
Functional & Integrative Psychiatry and Lifestyle Medicine Services
~ 3 John 1:2
Afya (Swahili): Wholeness of mind, body, and spirit; health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological
dis-ease, illness, or malfunction)!
The AFYA Effect's mission is for you to:
BE AFYA~ BE healthy & whole in mind, body & spirit, and prosper in ALL ways, always!!
"Dear Friend, it is my prayer that you prosper in ALL ways, always, and be in good health, even as your spirit prospers"~
3 John 1:2
We See You. We Hear You. We Believe You.
We desire that ALL people, especially Black (African) Americans and other historically marginalized & disenfranchised people (e.g., people diagnosed with or experiencing mental illness, etc.)
go from...
Feeling sick (and tired), disempowered,
& experiencing inequitable health(care) outcomes
💪🏾 Energized & Empowered!
🧠Mentally & Physically Healthy!
🗨️Confidentally & Proactively Living Life!
...Prospering in ALL ways, always!
The status quo healthcare model promotes a "wait until you get sick" sick-care "healthcare" system, which means waiting until the sickness, illness, or disease is undeniable because it is now present, causing damage, or too far gone!
This is disempowering, to say the least, considering that 80% of chronic (mental & physical health) diseases & related deaths are preventable!
BUT Black Americans, marginalized people of color, and people with mental illness continue to die up to 20 years younger, if not more, from these PREVENTABLE chronic diseases.
(National Library of Medicine)
This doesn't make sense and is unacceptable, to say the least!
We specialize in transformative, against the status quo mental healthcare!
We specialize in personalized, root-cause mental & physical healthcare that empowers you to heal, treat, and speak up for yourself!
We specialize in empowering YOU to BE in control of your life & your mental & physical health, supporting a long life (lifespan) that is lived healthy (healthspan) instead of a long or short life lived sick!
We specialize in creating interdependent patients,
NOT dependent or codependent patients because you never know when the healthcare system will change!
As the saying goes, "Stay ready so you don't have to get ready." Virginia!
Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Roanoke, Gloucester, Matthews, Hayes, Alexandria/NOVA/DMV, Arlington, Hopewell, Petersburg, Tazewell, Bedford, Culpeper, Fairfax, Warrenton, Falls Church, Surry County, Yorktown, etc.
Discover what we mean by a functional & integrative psychiatry & lifestyle medicine approach to health!
The AFYA Effect has you covered! We offer in-person (case-by-case) and remote mental health, psychiatry, functional medicine, and lifestyle medicine services so that everyone in Virginia (e.g. Newport News, Roanoke, Alexandria/NOVA, Petersburg, Tazewell, Bedford, Front Royal, etc.) and across the nation can have access to quality mental health care & health education!
Text "BE AFYA" to 757-854-9688 if you want more information about our services, and we will respond!
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
Office Email Address: Office Phone Number: (757) 854-9688 Office Fax Number: (757) 794-8915
Today | Closed |
We are closed on major holidays (e.g. Juneteenth, MLK Day, Staff Birthdays, Veterans Day, etc.)! We do offer after-hours urgent care psychiatry services as needed!
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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