3 John 1:2
Afya (Swahili):
Wholeness of mind, body, and spirit; health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction)!
You are complex, so why wouldn't your health (or the lack thereof) be, right?
Therefore, we take a you-centered, whole-person approach to mental health because everything and all parts of you are interconnected!!
We connect:
Conventional Medicine + Functional Medicine + Lifestyle Medicine + Membership Structure=
Integrative Medicine & Psychiatry!
To produce:
Afya (Swahili): Wholeness of mind, body, and spirit; health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction)!
So that you
Prosper in ALL ways, always!!
National Institute of Health (2024)
Mood Disorders (Major Depressive Disorder; Bipolar I & II Disorders)
Anxiety Disorders (Generalized Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive, Panic)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders [PTSD] ( Complex-PTSD, Chronic-PTSD, Acute Stress Reaction, Adjustment, etc.,)
Schizophrenia Spectrum (Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective, Dissociative Disorders)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Autism Spectrum, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD], etc.)
Neurocognitive (Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's, Disease, etc.,)
Personality Disorders (Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality, Schizoid Personality, Antisocial Personality, etc.,)
Eating Disorders (Binge Eating Disorder, Obesity, Bulimia, Anorexia, etc.)
Addiction & Substance Abuse (Sex, Love, Food, Drugs alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, weed, cocaine, etc.,)
And more....
The BE AFYA Appointment
is our you-centered 60-minute appointment where we get into it!
This appointment collects & reviews information about your mental & physical health history to gain insight into your overall health status. The information from this appointment will be used to create your personalized plan to bring your mind, body & spirit health back to life!
Your Spirit is already whole and ALWAYS speaking to us, hoping that our mind & body get into alignment so that we experience life at the highest level.
The AFYA (Mind, Body & Spirit) Connect is our 60-minute appointment to get your personalized brain, gut, and lifestyle health resuscitation plan!
Your plan will include specific concerns and recommendations such as possible diagnoses, tests (e.g. blood work, imaging studies), referrals (e.g. sleep medicine, neurology), as well as lifestyle medicine recommendations (stress management, nutrition & supplements, exercise, sleep, substance-use avoidance, and positive relationships), making the connection between your mind, body & spirit, empowering you to BE AFYA~whole in mind, body & spirit!
"Every day a star is born...Clap for 'em!"~Jay Z
You bet on yourself, decided to
BE AFYA and become a member of
The AFYA Effect!
The AFYA Onboarding Experience
is the next step on your journey to ensure that you feel welcomed, know what to expect, and are ready to hit the ground running!
The Get My AFYA Up Coaching Clinic
is where we walk with and support you on your journey to
Afya: Wholeness of mind, body, and spirit; health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction)!
Topics Might Include:
Health Promoting Activities
Substance Abuse
The Get My AFYA Up
check-ins are our 30-minute appointments where we check in with each other and/or make adjustments to your care plan!
This is where we are figuring out what is working and recalibrating (course correcting ) the journey as needed!
Living That AFYA Life
Transformation & Maintenance
is the last (continuing) step of your journey where you are experiencing...
The Afya Effect!
The "side effect(s)" of health & wholeness of mind, body & spirit.
which produces...
That Afya Life!
That life lived audaciously, prospering in ALL ways, always!
You are daily renewing your mind to a new way of life, living a life reflective of your BEing AFYA~ whole in mind, body & spirit, prospering in ALL ways, always!
~3 John 1:2
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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