Proverbs 4:7-9
Afya (Swahili):
Wholeness of mind, body, and spirit; health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction)!
BE AFYA Consultation is our brief 15-minute consultation where you can get a feel for our psychiatry clinic & services and the how and the why we practice from a root-cause, integrative approach!
💡Submit a recent lab result at will and get an educational overview from a functional & integrative point of view!
💡Learn more about the mental health benefits of functional & integrative psychiatry and lifestyle medicine!
❤️Determine if our clinic's services are right for you!
BE AFYA~ BE healthy & whole in mind, body & spirit, and prosper in ALL ways, always!!
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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