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Jude 1:24
Afya (Swahili)~
Health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction); wholeness of mind, body, and spirit!
🐞 My nickname is Bug!
I'm the 2nd born of 5 girls with 2nd born energy!
🔺"I love my D in front of my...Oo-Oop!"
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated!
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated!
🏍️Kawasaki Ninja 650R..." Back in the days when I was young..."
🥎Favorite Sport🧢
🎼Frederic Chopin, 🎙️Sean Carter, 🎧Elevation Worship
Worst Grade: 19% Organic Chemistry I @VCU 2003. It happens, but thank God for do-overs and Prof. Muhammad Sahli!
It's like it never even happened, which leads us to...
❤️ My Favorite Verse: ~"Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and present you blameless & faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding great joy & delight! To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, before all time and now and forever."~Jude 1:24-25
For almost a decade and a half, I have practiced from the belief and unique approach that healing is not just a possibility but a reality already within your reach!
Sometimes, and understandably so, our experiences cause us to lose sight of this.
However, I discovered through professional and personal experience that when we honor the core aspects of ourselves (mind, body, & Spirit) and recognize that our Spirit is already whole, we can address the root causes of dis-ease from an empowered sense of self, making this health & healing journey easier and more effective!
My responsibility is to remind you (or bring back to memory) who you are and of the power that has always been within you, while supporting you on the journey!
Seriously, imagine YOU, empowered and prospering in ALL ways, always!
When you are healthy, whole, prosperous, and empowered, there is absolutely no limit on you, your family, your relationship, your children, your community, or your future!
But I AM certain you already know this to be true; otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this 😉 .
So, please keep that same audacity, and let's get it!
Dr. Devin N. Bailey, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, DipACLM
Virginia Commonwealth University: Richmond, VA
(Bachelor of Science Biology; Master of Science-Family Nurse Practitioner)
Sentara College of Health Professions: Chesapeake, VA
(Diploma Registered Nursing)
Washburn University: Topeka, KS
(Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner)
Chatham University: Pittsburgh, PA
(Doctor of Nursing Practice)
Primary Care Provider [PCP]/Family Medicine
Community Services Board
Department of Veteran Affairs
Inpatient Psychiatry Attending: State Hospital; State Prison
American College of Lifestyle Medicine Member (ACLM)
American College of Lifestyle Medicine Diplomat
2024 H.E.A.L Scholarship Recipient: American College of Lifestyle Medicine
American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience [DARe] Level IV
Functional Medicine Academy
Gottman Relationship Check-Up Member
Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy Certification
Medication Assisted Treatment [MAT] Certification
Obesity Medicine Association Certificate
Obesity Action Coalition Member
Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy [PACT] Level II
Old-school (conventional medicine & psychiatry)
New-school (whole-person+root-cause+lifestyle medicine & psychiatry)!
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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