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Proverbs 4:7-9
Afya (Swahili)~
Health (the state of being free from and of physical or psychological dis-ease, illness, or malfunction); wholeness of mind, body, and spirit!
Education is a major contributor to and indicator of health
(mental, physical, economic, social, relationship, community, etc.,).
Therefore, when you improve education & literacy ( access, awareness, knowledge, understanding, and application), you improve health, which, my friend, changes
How are Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency (<50), melanin, and mental & physical health all connected?... Keep reading to see functional, integrative & lifestyle medicine at work in your mental & physical health!
Pre-register for our BE AFYA Community, where we increase health literacy through mental, physical, and lifestyle health education.
💡Get direct access to our educational resources!
⏰Attend live virtual events!
❓Ask questions!
💯BE in control of your life and health!
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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