Our desire is for you to experience mental healthcare that empowers you to BE in control of your life & your health so that you can live a long life and BE healthy while living it, prospering in ALL ways, always!
~3 John 1:2
BE AFYA Consultation is our brief 15-minute consultation where you can get a feel for our psychiatry clinic & services and the how and the why we practice from a root-cause, integrative approach!
💡Submit an optional lab result and get an educational overview from a functional & integrative point of view!
🧠Learn more about the mental health benefits of functional & integrative psychiatry and lifestyle medicine!
❤️Determine if our clinic's services are right for you!
BE AFYA~ BE healthy & whole in mind, body & spirit, and prosper in ALL ways, always!!
BE AFYA Lifestyle Health Resuscitation Clinic is our 8-month, preventative, lifestyle medicine-focused clinic! The focus is on empowering you to be a (pro)active creator of your health by first determining where you are as it relates to your health so that you get a clear idea of where to start and what to do regarding your life and health moving forward!
Start with your comprehensive, 60-minute mental, physical, and lifestyle health evaluation to gain insight & context into your health status.
Includes 1 Advanced Speciality Lab Test!
🧬Provides insight into your lifestyle health at the cellular or DNA level (e.g., nutrition, fitness, weight management, stress reduction), aiding in disease prevention, assessing disease-related risks, and creating health optimization strategies!
**BE AFYA Consultation Recommended**
This follow-up appointment is where you get your personalized lifestyle health resuscitation plan + clinic support:
❤️Specific Health-Related Concerns!
🧠Results Review & Report!
❤️Referrals ( e.g., sleep medicine, neurology)
🧠Disease Prevention & Reversal Recommendations (e.g., vaccinations, cancer screenings)
🏃🏾➡️Lifestyle As Medicine Plan & Support
🦾Empowerment & Self-Determination!
BE AFYA~ BE healthy & whole in mind, body & spirit, and prosper in ALL ways, always!!
BE AFYA Whole Health Psychiatry Clinic is our 12-month, functional & integrative psychiatry and lifestyle health-focused resuscitation clinic! This clinic empowers you to be a (pro)active creator of your health and in control of your life through mental, physical, and lifestyle health, supporting you to BE AFYA~whole in mind, body & spirit!
BE AFYA New To AFYA comprehensive, 60-minute mental, physical, and lifestyle health evaluation.
BE AFYA New To AFYA Follow-Up where you get your personalized mental, physical, and lifestyle health resuscitation plan:
❤️ Specific Health Concerns (e.g., diagnoses)
🧠 Results (e.g., blood work)
❤️ Referrals ( e.g., sleep medicine, neurology)
🧠 Disease Prevention Recommendations (e.g., vaccinations, cancer screenings)
🏃🏾➡️Lifestyle As Medicine Plan, etc.,
**BE AFYA Consultation Required**
Following the BE AFYA Clinic Starter, participate in health and wellness clinic visits and coaching to further empower and support your health and wellness journey!
❤️ 30-minute check-in twice per month!
🧠 Psychiatry & Lifestyle Medicine Services!
🗓️ Monthly Group Health Coaching!
🗨️ Open Office Hours!
💡 Special Membership Benefits!
Optional Add-On Services!
❤️ Optional add-on advanced lab testing!
🧠 Optional add-on check-ins as needed!
**BE AFYA Consultation Required**
BE AFYA~ BE healthy & whole in mind, body & spirit, and prosper in ALL ways, always!!
Discover what we mean by a functional & integrative psychiatry & lifestyle medicine approach to health!
The AFYA Effect Family Healthcare Services, PLLC
11815 Fountain Way, Suite #300, Newport News, Virginia 23606, United States
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